Lincoln Kirstein: A Bibliography of Published Writings
Edited by Peter Kayafas
Released on May 4th, 2007, Lincoln Kirstein's centennial birthday, Lincoln Kirstein: A Bibliography of Published Writings is a comprehensive listing of Kirstein's huge literary output. It is thoroughly annotated, indexed and separated into categories: Fiction; Poetry; Drama and Ballet Libretti; On Dance; On Drawing, Painting, Sculpture and Architecture; On Photography; On Film; On Literature, History, Politics and other Subjects; and Memoir. There are 575 entries, selected excerpts and a chronology of Kirstein's life. Of the First Bibliography (1978), Hilton Kramer wrote in the New York Times: "This preliminary record of his writings on many subjects is an indispensable guide to his remarkably versatile career–one of the careers, it is well to remember, that has helped to shape some of the most valuable parts of our culture."
I awoke with a panicky realization that I must catch a boat train for France in less than three hours. Laurens was gone, the room empty, the sun grandly promising the best of a fresh day, and the streets below were already humming. I stretched my toes to touch the trim reassurance of the straw matting. Its immaculate texture felt almost like a springboard. Leaving London would be leaping across a gap, drastic and final–Boston, Cambridge, all my old certainties repudiated or foresworn. For better or worse, I was abandoning Laurens and my friends. I was alone now and I knew I must find Balanchine if I was serious about anything....
–Lincoln Kirstein, from the section MEMOIR in Lincoln Kirstein: A Bibliography of Published Writings: (from Mosaic, 1994)